A few days before the Independence Day i've heard a plan to Kawah Ijen from my friend Eko and Tutde, but I still doubt because on that date there was something I need to do. At first I feel sad can't take part with them to Ijen, because I really wanted to go and when the chance come I can't go for it.
Suddenly on 16 August in the afternoon I have the chance to go, because something I need to do was postponed. Excited for sure! Then I packed few things to bring on my backpack get sleep early.
Ringggg..ding..ding the alarm was ringing and we ready to go, Ijen we're coming! In this trip I go with Tutde,Eko,Sukmana, and 8 other guys from their SHS friends. We ride motorbikes and arrive at the Gilimanuk Harbour arround 8AM. Then crossing with ferry about 45 Minutes. Bang..arrive at Ketapang, first time for me riding to java. First we go to Indra house in Banyuwangi, Indra is our friend and he guide as in this trip. We have lunch and rest at his house (Thx a lot Indra and fams!) and then go to Kawah Ijen. About 1,5 hours ride motorbike we arrive at Kawah Ijen entrance gate, entrance fee is cheap Only Rp.3000/motorbike. First tips, If you want to Kawah Ijen with motorbike I suggest the one with gears, don't use matic because the road is going up and up, I thought matic not a good choice here.
The Mountains brother of East Java, Ijen is among them. |
The Passengers sighseeing. |
Fellas, thanks for let me join the trip! |
We park our motorbikes near Warung Bu'Im, and ask her for keeping our motorbikes safe in a night. Then we start to trekking from Paltuding to the Pos Bundar, the place we use for setting up the tents. After 2 hours walk finally we arrive at pos bundar, we start to set up the tents and cooked Pop Mie (Hiker's must bring supplies). After finish dinner, we all get rest early because at 2 AM, we will walk again to the crater.
One of our motorbike is broke, so few of us must walk wait for other friends picking up. Next time be sure your motorbike are totally ready. |
Trekking start from Paltuding, before it let get's bit narcism (photo by Tutde) |
Reload...Reload... halfway from pos bundar. (photo by Tutde) |
Cup Mie save our stomach. (photo by Tutde) |
2AM we're get ready to hike, it takes about 1 hour walk to the crater. The track from pos bundar to the crater is better, track from paltuding is more exhausting (IMHO).Second Tips, I suggest you set up a tent and sleep overnight at pos bundar, because if you track all the way from Paltuding to the crater you'll be too exhausted and spend more time (except you are Pro Hiker and have a strong physical). Finally we arrive at the crater rim, many people already here it was so crowded due to Independence Day many youth Hiking to the mountain to celebrate. It's about 3AM still dark, then we walk down into the crater to see the famous 'Blue Fire' and the Sulfur miners works. Here your adrenaline be pumped, the way down into the crater was very steep and rocky, be sure to bring headlight/flashlight. I put a big respect to the Sulfur Miner, everyday they go up and down (paltuding-crater) carrying about 75kg sulfur which just rewarded Rp. 55.000. 'Their life as rough as the rocky path to the crater, but they always tough like a mountain' Respect!.
The outerspace, the stars are beautiful from the crater. |
Sulfur Miner on duty. |
The Famous Blue Fire, unfortunately it was so crowd. |
We wanted to step up closer, but the smoke is getting bigger. |
Two miners carrying sulfurs, believe me it's Heavy! |
The path to the crater, very steep and rocky but before see heaven you must pass the hell, right?. |
The miner works from early morning, because at the noon the smoke getting bigger. |
Thanks for APstuff for the endorsement, we love u! (photo by Sukmana) |
The smoke of sulfur. |
The biggest acid lake of the world according to uncle google. |
Warning, the risk is yours. |
The crater rim, the best time to visit Ijen are in June,July and August.
Morning chat before go down to the crater. |
Eko, Pur, Arwin, and ....(forget the name) hhaa... |
We Love Indonesia! |
See..the road is never flat. |
Pano of Ijen, Merged from 12 photos. |
After 'walk like grandma' down, finally we can saw the Blue Fire live in front of our Eyes, but we can't stay long enough because sometimes the wind change and blow the smoke toward us and it's happen a few times. Actually getting down to the crater is prohibited for the visitors, because it's dangerous way and the smoke of sulfur makes you hard to breath. But if you are don't care the rules the risk is yours, don't forget to use masker and cover it with wet towel it lil'bit help to filter the smoke. Hmmm..I think is not enough explore Ijen just one day, next time I'll come again..Well this just my First Encounter...see ya!!
Full team, (Left>Right) Adi, Wayan, Andi, Indra, Petruk, ... , Pur, Emon, Eko, Sukmana, Tutde, Arwin, Me....! |